Robotics: Science and Systems 2016 Workshop

Social Trust in Autonomous Robots

June 19, 2016, University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
An affiliated workshop of RSS 2016
Submission deadline April 29, 2016
Notification May 06, 2016
Camera ready June 17, 2016
Workshop June 19, 2016

Call for Posters

We invite submissions of poster abstracts on any topic within the theme of the workshop, Trust in Autonomy. We accept published and ongoing work. The authors of the accepted abstracts will present their posters at the workshop. In addition, the pdf file of the posters along with their abstracts will be made available for general public on the workshop website.


Abstracts should be 1-2 pages long in RSS paper format - IEEEtran.cls document style used for IEEE conferences (see the Guide for Authors).

Submissions are through EasyChair. Click here to make a submission.

Important Dates