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[FKK15] Vojtěch Forejt, Jan Krčál and Jan Křetínský. Controller synthesis for MDPs and Frequency LTL-GU. In M. Davis, A. Fehnker and A. McIver and A. Voronkov (editors), LPAR, volume 9450 of LNCS, pages 162--177, Springer. To appear. 2015. [pdf] [bib]
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Notes: A preliminary Arxiv version is available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.03093. The original publication is available at link.springer.com.
Abstract. Quantitative extensions of temporal logics have recently attracted significant attention. In this work, we study frequency LTL (fLTL), an extension of LTL which allows to speak about frequencies of events along an execution. Such an extension is particularly useful for probabilistic systems that often cannot fulfil strict qualitative guarantees on the behaviour. It has been recently shown that controller synthesis for Markov decision processes and fLTL is decidable when all the bounds on frequencies are 1. As a step towards a complete quantitative solution, we show that the problem is decidable for the fragment LTL∖GU, where U does not occur in the scope of G (but still F can). Our solution is based on a novel translation of such quantitative formulae into equivalent deterministic automata.




