R. Brenguier and V. Forejt.
Decidability Results for Multi-objective Stochastic Games.
We study stochastic two-player turn-based games in which the objective of one player is to ensure several infinite-horizon total reward objectives, while the other player attempts to spoil at least one of the objectives.
The games have previously been shown not to be determined, and an approximation algorithm for computing a Pareto curve has been given. The major drawback of the existing
algorithm is that it needs to compute Pareto curves for finite horizon objectives (for increasing length of the horizon), and the size of these Pareto curves can grow unboundedly, even when the infinite-horizon
Pareto curve is small.
By adapting existing results, we first give an algorithm that computes the Pareto curve for determined games. Then, as the main result of the paper, we show that for the natural class
of stopping games and when there are two reward objectives, the problem of deciding whether a player can ensure satisfaction of the objectives with given thresholds is decidable. The result relies on an intricate and novel
proof which shows that the Pareto curves contain only finitely many points.
As a consequence, we get that the two-objective discounted-reward problem for unrestricted class of stochastic games is decidable.