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[BBFK06] T. Brázdil, V. Brožek, V. Forejt and A. Kučera. Stochastic Games with Branching-Time Winning Objectives. In 21th IEEE Symp. Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2006), pages 349-358, IEEE CS Press. 2006. [pdf] [bib]
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Abstract. We consider stochastic turn-based games where the winning objectives are given by formulae of the branching-time logic PCTL. These games are generally not determined and winning strategies may require memory and/or randomization. Our main results concern history-dependent strategies. In particular, we show that the problem whether there exists a history-dependent winning strategy in 1 12 -player games is highly undecidable, even for objectives formulated in the L(F=5/8, F=1, F>0, G=1) fragment of PCTL. On the other hand, we show that the problem becomes decidable (and in fact EXPTIME-complete) for the L(F=1, F>0, G=1) fragment of PCTL, where winning strategies require only finite memory. This result is tight in the sense that winning strategies for L(F=1, F>0, G=1, G>0) objectives may already require infinite memory.




